Where can I study Spanish?
Why study Spanish?
Spanish is the language of the Hispanic civilisation, one of the greatest cultural groups in the world. Originating in northern Spain, Spanish spread to Northern and Western parts of Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, vast areas of North America, and the Philippines.
Today, Spanish is the first language of 400 million people, and the second language of many in Europe, the United States, Brazil and North Africa. It is the second world language in terms of native speakers ahead of English. Due to demographic and political factors, Spanish is now a de facto second language in the United States, Brazil, and virtually all the smaller states in the Caribbean and Central/South America.
Together with its influence in international politics, trade and commerce, the growing prestige of Spanish in the cultural terrain makes it a highly desired language.
Nowadays, it has become a common practice for many Spanish students to take advantage of one of the various exchange agreements and spend one semester (or longer!) studying the language in Spain, Mexico or Argentina. Upon their return to Queensland, some choose to complete an Honours degree in Spanish and specialise in a particular country or cultural area.
The ability to communicate in Spanish as a second language, or simply to read it, is one of the most practical and transportable skills in today’s world. There is hardly any career of professional area that is not boosted by the knowledge of Spanish. In the United States alone, the chances of getting a job – any job – improve dramatically when the candidate shows a working knowledge of both Spanish and English.
Due to its wide community usage in vast parts of the world, including Australia, Spanish is a useful language in any profession that involves dealing with people. Areas in which Spanish graduates might find opportunities include higher education, teaching, translation and interpreting, hospitality and tourism, mining, forestry, diplomacy, the arts, journalism, welfare and health and nursing.
Course Information
Find information about Griffith’s Spanish courses here.
Find information about UQ’s Spanish courses here.

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