Study one of the world’s international languages, and learn more about Russia’s rich culture.

Where can I study Russian?
Why study Russian?
Russian is one of the world’s major languages, with almost 200 million native speakers in the Russian Federation. It is also the second language of citizens in the fourteen other states of the former Soviet Union, one of the official languages of the United Nations Organisation and its agencies, and is widely spoken in many developing countries in Asia and Africa.
Russia remains a significant force in international politics and, thanks to its immense mineral resources, a key player in the world economy. For these reasons, governments and corporations around the world recognise as never before the need to engage with Russia and the importance of training graduates with Russian language skills.
Graduates with advanced Russian language skills, and especially those with additional specialist qualifications in areas such as law, economics and business, will find themselves well placed to take advantage of the new international employment opportunities that have resulted from Russia’s transition to the market economy.
A number of Queensland students who have completed a degree with Russian in recent years are now making careers as diplomats, translators, researchers, policy analysts and consultants, both in private companies and NGOs.
As an academic discipline, however, Russian offers much more than instruction in a language of strategic significance; it provides direct access to one of the richest cultures in the world and to writers, thinkers, artists and composers who have helped shape the modern mind.
Whatever your career path, a degree with Russian, providing evidence of intellectual ability, communication skills and cultural awareness, can give you a competitive edge over those who can offer only more narrowly relevant qualifications.
Course Information
Find information about UQ’s Russian courses here.
The University of Queensland is the sole provider in Queensland of Russian courses and one of only two in Australia where Russian can be studied from beginners’ to honours level. This is especially appropriate, since Brisbane has been a traditional centre of Russian immigration to this country and remains home to a significant Russian-speaking community.
Depending on the program you are enrolled in you can study Russian courses as electives or complete a minor or secondary major (QUT).

Study one of the world’s international languages, and learn more about Russia’s rich culture.

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