What languages can I study?
Chinese French German Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Russian Spanish
Chinese French German Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Russian Spanish
No. Only university students can enrol to study a language at a BULA university. If you would like to apply to study individual language courses at a university, you can …
For Italian you apply to cross-enrol by simply filling in the online application form on this website, then wait to receive correspondence advising the progress of your application. When your …
The online application form on this website is available only to students of Griffith, QUT or UQ. Students from other universities are welcome to apply to study a language at Griffith, QUT or UQ. …
To apply for cross institutional enrolment, please complete the online application form available on this website after you have ensured your QUT study plan is up to date and includes …
You simply fill in the online application form on this website, then wait to receive correspondence advising the progress of your application. When your application has been approved you will …