When a student takes a course (subject) at a university other than their own but the credit is later transferred back to their own university. The university at which the student is enrolled in a degree program is the Home University. The university at which the student enrols for one or more courses cross-institutionally is the Host University.
The courses that the student wishes to study at the host university must fit in with the student’s degree at the home university. These courses may count either as approved electives for that degree or be part of a major or a minor. It is not possible for students to cross-enrol in courses outside the degree structure at the home university. At the host university, cross-institutional students are enrolled in a particular course (subject) rather than a degree program. Students will be allowed to enrol only in the course(s) for which they were approved by their home university. You will be able to enrol in your approved course at the host university via their online enrolment system.
Cross-institutional students pay their course fees to the host university and are bound by the policies and procedures of the host university.